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Why Client Relationships Are More Important Than Making A Commission

Monday, November 20, 2017   /   by Martin French

Why Client Relationships Are More Important Than Making A Commission

Basing a career in sales means being an independent contractor and virtually building your own small business, or earning a salary largely based on commission.  Of course, we need money to live on and to help our businesses grow.  Is it really better to troll for quick commissions or to build a relationship with your clients?  Here we explain why building relationships is a better foundation and long term solution for you and your growing business.

1. Word of Mouth.

This one is simple.  If a client is happy with your performance and you have gotten them the best results possible, they will tell their friends and family about the great experience you gave them, which obviously can and will lead you to more clientele.  If you are simply going through the motions and giving little effort to make a quick buck, the client will inevitably share bad news to others.  Did you know:  A dissatisfied client is 10 times more likely to share a bad experience than a good one?  Bad reviews spread like wildfire.  Avoid them completely if you can, this will harm you and your business greatly in the long run.  

2.  Creating a Footprint.

While having a million pages on the internet gives you a great online presence, you are a small piece within your local small business network.  It is very important to make a solid footprint in your local community.  The odds are slim that you will get a lead off the internet from the opposite side of the country.  Some of your own clients will own or be employed by local small businesses.  A good relationship with them not only gives you referrals via word of mouth, but the opportunity to network with other small businesses in your community.  This is a tight knit local network that will inevitably generate new sales leads for you.  This gives potential new clients a sense of security that you are familiar with your area, not only geographically, but economically as well.  So, when you go eat lunch at the diner down the street that you frequent, check in on social media.  Take a picture of that beautiful plate of food and post it, giving credit.  They will in turn do the same for you, increasing the amount of potential local clientele that view your pages.

3. Repeat Clientele.

There are a wide range of people making purchases and investing, given the economic upswing.  In real estate, for example.  Imagine selling a home to an investor, giving them a great experience, and having them come back to find their next investment?  Investors are constantly buying houses to flip and sell, or to rent out.  Use this to your advantage and you will gain a client for life.  There are also plenty of people that buy a house and decide later that it is too small or they want to start a family.  Give the first time home buyers that great experience, they will find you when they're ready to upgrade, as well as tell others.  This of course applies to selling automobiles, insurance, retail products, etc.  If the client trusts you, your opinions and your process, they will come back to you when they need more, or an upgrade.

Of course, we all need to make money to live, but if you really want to invest in yourself or your business, it is a better alternative to build good relationships with your clientele.  This may be difficult financially in the beginning, however the payoff is far greater than making some quick cash only to watch your business and your bank account fizzle out within a couple of years.  Be smart and have patience, all good things take time and nurturing to grow and be strong!

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